Borealis Samtale: Catherine Lamb om ‘Rational Intonation’

Catherine Lamb komponerer for tiden et konsertverk for Song Circus & strykerduoen Silvia Tarozzi/Deborah Walker.

I vår gjestet hun Borealisfestivalen, som har lagt ut denne podkast-samtalen. I Cats musikalske univers åpner hver tone opp et helt rom fylt med resonnerende tonevenner, som knytter bånd og forsterker hverandre, og skaper rike og komplekse harmonier. Lån henne øret ditt da vel!

«This is the world. More beautiful than we can imagine. And more fragile. More fragile than we can bear.»

“This is the world. More beautiful than we like to know, and more fragile, more fragile than we can bear”

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Foto: Signe Christine Urdal


Mansur Rajih and Liv Runesdatter’s collaboration spans over ten years, and Liv’s music to Mansur’s poetry has been conveyed through more than 350 concerts in Europe, the Middle East and the Caucasus, in collaboration with musicians from Azerbaijan, Syria, Iran, Baluchistan, Palestine, Lebanon and Norway.

In “Still they sing” a musical universe is created where rhythmic, harmonic structures and ornamentation from the Ottoman Empire meet related harmonic structures from the folk musical Haugian tradition in Vestfold.

Liv Runesdatter’s extensive and critically acclaimed career as a singer and composer spans 25 years. She tours over large parts of the world, and has collaborated with artists from more than 30 different countries.

Mansur Rajih came to Norway from Yemen as Norway’s first free city writer almost 25 years ago. He has been a political prisoner for 15 years, but was also referred to as Yemen’s national poet in modern times. After his release, he has worked both as a poet and human rights activist, and among other things, he has published four critically acclaimed poetry collections in Norwegian. The last collection of poems, “Der trærne sto” was published in autumn 2021.

Ahmad Al Khatib is considered to be one of the world’s top three oud players. He is Palestinian, born and raised in a refugee camp in Jordan, where the family has lived since they were forced to flee in the 60s. He started learning the oud early and after finishing his studies he moved to Ramallah to teach. In 2002 the political situation forced him to leave Palestine and in 2004 he settled in Sweden where he currently works as a teacher and lecturer at the University of Gothenburg. He has collaborated with many of the leading representatives of Arabic music, released many records and toured the Middle East, India, USA, Europe and Brazil.

Mansur Rajih – recitation
Liv Runesdatter – vocals
Ahmad Al-Khatib – oud
Torben Snekkestad – saxophone and clarinet (NO)
Youssuf Hbeisch – percussionist
Harpreet Bansal – violin
Svante Henryson – cello

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The Digital Cucumber

«The Digital Cucumber» is a family performance that addresses economic bubbles, media technological echo chambers, AI, and the value of daring to fail and taking ownership of those failures. Among other things.

The story follows the development leading up to the launch of «The Digital Cucumber,» an AI that promises to provide answers to the most pressing questions humanity faces today, and then continues on as the project both collapses and takes on new, unforeseen, unstable, and risky forms. The secondary characters in the performance are fictional but playfully inspired by real-world individuals.

Through manipulations of the stage space and live-feed projections, the performers on stage create layers upon layers of narrative and visual stories, both through the ‘reality’ with the performers in the stage space and in the visual representations, through projections of fragments of reality.

Partially theater, partially live cinema – through a play with AV/low-fi video manipulation that effectively allows us to create fictional realities in multiple locations within the stage space. In contrast to the digital projections, we have chosen to create a performance space rich in tactile and sensory qualities: colors, shapes, touch, auditory interaction, and psychoacoustic.

Idea, concept development and music – Liv Runesdatter
Direction and dramaturgy – Valentina Cechi (UK)
Scenography and costume – Kate Lane (UK)
Ensemble – Song Circus
Moving actor & storyteller – Richie Castro (USA)
Visual technology – Brave New Worlds (UK)
Electronics/interactive sound installation – Liv Runesdatter
Sound and AV technician – Eirik Bekkeheien


This week, Song Circus is in residence at Tou Scene. We are working on a new project in collaboration with composer Laura Bowler (UK), writer Lavinia Murray (UK), designer Kate Lane (UK), and cultural studies researcher Birgitta Haga Gripsrud (NO).

Together, we delve into the (in)articulated breast; through the history of literature, art, religious history, politics, psychology, popular culture, feminism, and social anthropology.

The project takes the form of a crossover between installation art and music theater, with a premiere in the fall of 2018.

Billedreferanser Bryst


Song Circus avsluttet konsertåret med julemeditasjoner i Bispekapellet, Stavanger (2016)




“the three ensembles closed with a blisteringly visceral account of the budgeoning dissonances of Louis Andriessen’s notorious De Staat. It proved a fittingly powerful, provocative and confident, internationally focused conclusion to sound’s thrillingly ambitious weekend.”…/music-review-sound-festival-aberd…



I Solisti del Vento, Red Note Ensemble, Song Circus
Actor: Jan Decleir and Simon Callow
Conductor: Etienne Siebens

Angela Merkel is a Wagner enthusiast, Barack Obama listens to Bob Dylan and Vladimir Putin enjoys Russian folk music. Still sounds are seldomly a point of concern for politicians. But if choirs can topple a government and symphonies can discourage an army, then music is more than purely pleasure. In ancient China the first emperor of a new dynasty determined which pitch was in harmony with the cosmos. And in his ‘Republic’ Plato regarded only Phrygian and Doric scales to be politically correct: all others threatened the ideal civilisation.

Dutch composer Louis Andriessen took Plato’s text as the initial concept for a cantata which forms a fist against rigid forms of government with energetic rhythms and recalcitrant chords. Andriessen’s ‘De Staat’ (The Republic) is both a accusation against the soulless and suffocating totalitarianism which Plato defends and a reflection on his musical convictions. Andriessen seems to say with his explosive minimalism: everything a composer puts to paper is filled with political, social or religious meaning.

Thereof Mauricio Kagel was also convinced. Everything this Argentinian German composed is a politically tinged mockery of musical history. In ‘Der Tribune’ (The Tribune) – an audio play for political orator, marching sounds and speakerphone – Kagel twists Andriessen’s rhythmical tightness to a virtuously absurdist monologue, soaked with comical rage and disdainful indignation. Demagogy, misleading the people and egotripping are merged with marching band music with oom-pah-pah coppers and tickling woods.

We place both these analyses of the political system – one razor sharp, the other viciously joyful – right next to each other. A new text by writer Dimitri Verhulst to Kagel’s music hurrays the dawn of a new political age with malicious merriment: ‘The future beckons, the sky is clearing and even the roses are turning blue. Tomorrow, tomorrow is mine and yours.’

A production of I Solisti del Vento in collaboration with Red Note Ensemble, Song Circus and Sound Festival with concerts Scotland, Belgium and The Netherlands

With the kind support of: Aberdeen City Council’s Made in Aberdeen programme, Creative Scotland National Lottery Funding, Music Norway and Arts Council Norway





Magasinet har anmeldt «Anatomy of Sound»:

“An extraordinary work. What impressed me immediately is the immensely detailed and microtonal spectrum. A world full of nuances and small gestures that make up one giant musical construction in twelve movements. One can dwell endlessly in this strange world. Complex, and above all utterly beautiful.”

Programlansering Sound of a Cage!

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Triennalen Sound of a Cage bygger på arven etter komponisten, poeten og akademikeren John Cage. I 2016 er fokuset lydpoesi. Programmet kombinerer utstillinger, workshops, forelesninger, filmvisninger, konserter og performance. Sett av 6.-8. oktober og bestill en reise til Stavanger!

Les mer og se programmet her!

Fantastisk anmeldelse i Nieuwe Noten!

«A simply unique performance by Song Circus on this album, “Anatomy of Sound”. Years of preparation is presented to us this incredible piece, and in such an exemplary manner. This piece requires an incredible amount of these five vocalists. There is alternately sung and spoken, but the human voice is also used by all other means, literally as an instrument. From whisper soft to icy raw and between all possible nuances, an unreal diverse spectrum of tone colours. A whole fairytale; poetic, terrifying and ghostly time. As a musical poem in which each note will be extremely detailed in the spotlight. Gjertsen’s music sounds remarkably transparent, and his musical language very detailed and full of nuances. This is music that begs to be listened extremely concentrated. Only then his world reveals itself fully…»
NIEUWE NOTEN august 2016

Hybrid SACD and Pure Audio Blu-ray:

Hele anmeldelsen (nederlandsk):

Programmet til Sound of a Cage lanseres 15. august

Jeg kuraterer Sound of a Cage. Triennialen SOAC tar utgangspunkt i arven etter John Cage og hans samtidige, og kombinerer visning av kunst, musikk, design, performance, workshops, foredrag og fagsamtaler. Denne tredje utgaven av Sound of a Cage har hovedfokus på sound poetry.

Sound poetry is an artistic form bridging literary and musical composition, in which the phonetic aspects of human speech are foregrounded instead of more conventional semantic and syntactic values; “verse without words”.
– Wikipedia

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Cover upsweep-whistle-bloop

Video Release!

I am so proud to present our new video «Anatomy of Sound»!

Concept & idea: Maja Friis and Liv Runesdatter
Film director: Maja Friis
All sound performed by Song Circus (
Music composed by: Ruben Sverre Gjertsen
Sound production: 2L / Lindberg Lyd (Morten Morten Lindberg and Jørn Simenstad)
Producer: Liv Runesdatter
Cinematographer: Anders Nydam
Visual consultant: Lys og Trolddom / Rasmus Møbius

The video is awailable in different formats and can be customized for screening. The music is originally recorded and produced in Auro 3D.

Contact for screening: Song Circus / Liv Runesdatter –


Konsept & idé: Maja Friis and Liv Runesdatter
Filmregissør: Maja Friis
All lyd fremført av Song Circus (
Komponist: Ruben Sverre Gjertsen
Lyd produksjon: 2L / Lindberg Lyd (Morten Morten Lindberg og Jørn Simenstad)
Produsent: Liv Runesdatter
Filmfotograf: Anders Nydam
Visuell konsulent: Lys og Trolddom / Rasmus Møbius

The video is awailable in different formats and can be customized for screening. The music is originally recorded and produced in Auro 3D.

Contact for screening: Song Circus / Liv Runesdatter –


Upsweep-Whistle-Bloop på Nordischer Klang, Greifswald. Konsept, visuelle arbeider og musikk av Jasmijn Visser og Stine Janvin Motland. Fremført og skapt i samarbeid med Song Circus (Liv Runesdatter, Signe Irene Stangborli Time, Anita Kaasbøll, Eva Bjerga Haugen, Stine Javel). Kostymer av Altinstark (Esra Altin, Samy Celler) og doku-fotografier av Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky
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Uforglemmelig, vakkert og opprørende på samme tid. Sterke møter, ikke minst blant mennesker i Askar Flyktningeleir. Voksne og barn som lever i alt annet enn trygghet og framtidshåp, og som kjemper verdighetens og frihetens kamp hver eneste dag. Jeg er dypt takknemlig for at jeg fikk oppleve dette, og gleder meg til å reise tilbake.

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Anbefaler denne svært gode dokumentaren:

Takk til Nablus Kulturfestival, Nablusforeningen og Stavanger Kommune.

Song Circus recording Ruben Sverre Gjertsen’s “Landscape with Figures” and Ole-Henrik Moe’s “Persefone” in 9.1 Auro-3D to be released on Pure Audio Blu-Ray by 2L.




Song Circus is signed to 2L / Lindberg Lyd

Song Circus has been collaborating with Lindberg Lyd (Morten Lindberg / Jørn Simenstad) since summer 2013. In April we are recording music by the Norwegian composers Ole-Henrik Moe and Ruben Sverre Gjertsen in Uranienborg Church, Oslo. Feel free to read more about the projects in our websites. We will record the music in 8 channels surround format and release it on Pure Audio Blu-ray in combination with SACD. Morten is among the worlds top Recording Engineers / Producers when it comes to surround format. In 2015 Lindberg Lyd got their 20th Grammy Nomination. Song Circus are thrilled about the project, the music and our collaborators.

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Anatomy of Sound

“Anatomy of Sound” is the concept that permeates all of Song Circus´ artistic work during the period 2014-2018, and it contains eight projects and fifteen composers. The repertoire focuses on the expansion of the register of expression and sound available to the human voice. In addition, Anatomy of Sound suggests a multitude of potential historical, theoretical, phenomenological and artistic angles.

The album “Anatomy of Sound” was nominated Norwegian Grammy (Spellemann). The album contain new music written by the Norwegian composers Ruben Sverre Gjertsen and Ole-Henrik Moe. Anatomy of Sound was recorded in Uranienborg Church by Lindberg Lyd in 9.0 Auro-3D and released on Pure Audio Blu-ray and hybrid SACD by 2L.
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The film “Anatomy of Sound” was made in collaboration with the Danish film director, Maja Friis:

Song Circus

Song Circus is a Norwegian chamber ensemble consisting of five professional vocalists, led by Liv Runesdatter. The ensemble specialize in contemporary music and improvisation. Song Circus has established close and enduring relationships with several composers and creating artists. The ensemble has given life to an unusual and fascinating vocabulary of sound combined with rare musical precision, and their concerts have been broadcasted by radio- and TV stations in Norway and Germany.

Song Circus has achieved The Governmental Ensemble Work Grant 2012-2017 (NO). Their album Anatomy of Sound, presenting new classical music by Ruben Sverre Gjertsen (NO) and Ole-Henrik Moe (NO), was produced by multiple Grammy nominee surround sound producer Morten Lindberg i 2015. The album has achieved outstanding reviews and was nominated Norwegian Grammy.

Physical album and Pure Audio Blu-ray:
All digital services:


Liv Runesdatter • Eva Bjerga Haugen • Ingeborg Dalheim • Stine Janvin Motland • Signe Irene Time


Liv Runesdatter
+47 93243789

An EP with vocal excerpts and a film from the project Anatomy of Sound was released summer 2016:

Upsweep – Whistle – Bloop

By and with Stine Janvin Motland (NO), visual artist Jasmijn Visser (NL), and Song Circus (NO)

The project’s thematic focus is a phenomenon that arose in the 1960s at the American research center NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). In 1961, the U.S. activated SOSUS, a system for monitoring underwater sounds. The main goal of the operations was to detect and record the presence of Russian submarines. After the Cold War, the operation was shut down, and the system was made available to organizations such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which in 1991 registered ‘Upsweep,’ the first of a series of unidentified sounds discovered during the 1990s. The sounds had qualities similar to icebergs, whales, or submarines. The sonar could not determine whether the sounds originated from organic or mechanical sources, and to this day, no one has succeeded in identifying them.

Concept: Stine Janvin Motland & Jasmijn Visser
Visuals: Jasmijn Visser
Composition: Stine Janvin Motland
Created with and performed by Song Circus: Liv Runesdatter, Signe-Irene Stangborli Time, Stine Janvin Motland, Eva Bjerga Haugen, Anita Kaasbøll
Costume design: Altinstark

Supported by Komponistenes Vederlagsfond, Stavanger Municipality, and Arts Council Norway

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