
Song Circus | Portfolio

The work takes its cue from François Couperins Leçons de Ténebrès for voices and continuo, written in 1713. The genre Leçons de ténèbres dates back to the renaissance and the Holy Week, when music was performed in the flicker of candlelight; after each ‘leçon’ a light was extinguished, until the darkness, ‘tenebrae’, on good friday, after the last candle.  ​The new work relates to this tradition, and will be performed ...

The connection between six children and nature is explored through improvised dance and movement, showcasing the unique perspective of children as they interact with nature through play. Through the eyes of these young adventurers, we rediscover the world and how to cherish and comprehend our environment. For five third-graders from ...

Norwegian-Indian Harpreet Bansal is an outstanding representative of Indian classical music and has received significant international recognition for her deeply personal interpretation of the Indian raga tradition. In the concert project Varsakala, Bansal, the Song Circus trio, and cellist Svante Henrysson perform new music composed by Harpreet Bansal. Varsakala ...

Since the 1980s, she has explored the unstable elements of sound media, focusing on microtonality and psychoacoustics. The new work, Soar II, investigates the transformation of sound in surrounding spaces. Three female voices and two microtonal string instruments (violin and cello tuned in 1/16) refine timbral qualities that favor the ...

The starting point for the project is the legendary fiddle tune Graatarslagjet, from Bjerkreim in Rogaland, attributed to the Fuglestad brothers. Gråtaslagjet is the wedding march that became a lament. The story goes that the bridal party was crossing the ice on Ørsdalsvannet when it broke, and the entire party ...

«The Digital Cucumber» is a family performance that addresses economic bubbles, media technological echo chambers, AI, and the value of daring to fail and taking ownership of those failures. Among other things. The story follows the development leading up to the launch of «The Digital Cucumber,» an AI that promises ...

Prosjektet utforsker den vestlige verdens uartikulerte relasjon til kvinnebrystet, gjennom medisinsk og helsefaglig forskning, litteratur, kunst, politikk, historie, populærkultur og gjennom transkriberte intervjuer med kvinner som har hatt kosmetisk eller medisinsk begrunnet brystkirurgi. Skapt av undertegnede i samarbeid med Song Circus, komponist Laura Bowler (Manchester, prof. Composition at Guildhall School ...

Birdsongs er tverrfaglige kunstprosjekter og konserter med fugler (ornitologi) som tematisk utgangspunkt. Feltopptak, trekkmønstre, adferd og miljø er noe av det hun har fordypet seg i, og som har satt avtrykk i prosjektene. I samarbeid med kunstnere, musikere, institusjoner, og med veiledning fra ornitologisk og kunsthistorisk fagmiljø har hun siden ...

The triennial Sound of a Cage is a collaboration of an interdisciplinary and professional art field. The event will take place in Stavanger, and curator is Liv Runesdatter/CARMA Contemporary Art, Music and Dance. The triennial is built up around the legacy of John Cage and his contemporaries and it combines ...

“Anatomy of Sound” is the concept that permeates all of Song Circus´ artistic work during the period 2014-2018, and it contains eight projects and fifteen composers. The repertoire focuses on the expansion of the register of expression and sound available to the human voice. In addition, Anatomy of Sound suggests ...

Song Circus is developing «UPSWEEP-WHISTLE-BLOOP» in collaboration with vocalist and composer Stine Janvin Motland (NO (www.stinejanvinmotland.com) and visual artist Jasmijn Visser (NL). During the cold war, the United States Navy set up sound surveillannce system SOSUS, in order to detect the presence of Soviet Submarines in the Pacific Ocean. SOSUS ...

Song Circus www.songcircus.no is a Norwegian chamber ensemble consisting of five professional vocalists, led by Liv Runesdatter. The ensemble specialize in contemporary music and improvisation. Song Circus has established close and enduring relationships with several composers and creating artists. The ensemble has given life to an unusual and fascinating vocabulary ...