
The connection between six children and nature is explored through improvised dance and movement, showcasing the unique perspective of children as they interact with nature through play. Through the eyes of these young adventurers, we rediscover the world and how to cherish and comprehend our environment.

For five third-graders from Storhaug School, their school days have been infused with a cross-disciplinary art project developed and led by Liv Runesdatter over the past six months. Through art and collaboration with five professional artists, the children have become acquainted with local birdlife, explored nature in their surroundings, and created their own texts, sound compositions, sculptures, and dances. The project has been based on the movement language of birds, their environments, and vocabulary, influencing all school subjects.

In the film, we follow the conclusion of the children’s process. We seek to see the world through their eyes, joining them in the forest where we witness them performing movement rituals, both alone and in collaboration with one another. The film tells the story of the moment when the children’s self-composed dance choreography and soundscapes meet the forest and the birdlife out there.

We burden our planet far beyond its capacity. With knowledge and intent, we are in the process of destroying our own foundation for life, and we are unable to make the necessary choices. In Fugler, we experience the local school through the eyes of six children. The film shows how we can see the world with different eyes and how we can act in harmony with it.