
We are visiting Dombås and Lillehammer!

Song Circus are touring again, together with our lovely viola da gamba player André Lislevand (IT/NO).

Together, we will perform Eivind Buene’s beautiful, contrasting, and insightful concert, Leçons de ténèbres.

Dombås Church – March 21 at 19:00
Lillehammer Church – March 22 at 15:00

Aksel Tollali, scenekunst.no:

«Buene’s Leçons conveys immense suffering in a strikingly sober manner.»

Eystein Sandvik, NRK:

«It is a piece that grabs hold of me and moves me on different levels and in different ways. It has a distinctive musical expression, a clear concept, and, above all, a powerful message. A work that is deeply connected to both history and the present.»

Maren Ørstavik, Aftenposten:

«The cultural sphere speaks loudly about Gaza. Some aspects of the conflict are easy to take a stand on through benefit concerts and petitions (…). The humanitarian catastrophe cannot be ignored, regardless of one’s stance on the conflict’s origins. To delve deeper through artistic means is a challenge. Composer Eivind Buene does so with respect, historical awareness, and beauty.»