The program of Sound of a Cage will be released on the 15th of August

I am the curator of Sound of a Cage, a triennial is build up around the legacy of John Cage and his fellows. SOAC combines art, music, design, performance, workshops, lectures and topical discussions. This third edition of Sound of a Cage set focus on sound poetry.

Sound poetry is an artistic form bridging literary and musical composition, in which the phonetic aspects of human speech are foregrounded instead of more conventional semantic and syntactic values; “verse without words”.
– Wikipedia

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Cover upsweep-whistle-bloop

Programmet til Sound of a Cage lanseres 15. august

Jeg kuraterer Sound of a Cage. Triennialen SOAC tar utgangspunkt i arven etter John Cage og hans samtidige, og kombinerer visning av kunst, musikk, design, performance, workshops, foredrag og fagsamtaler. Denne tredje utgaven av Sound of a Cage har hovedfokus på sound poetry.

Sound poetry is an artistic form bridging literary and musical composition, in which the phonetic aspects of human speech are foregrounded instead of more conventional semantic and syntactic values; “verse without words”.
– Wikipedia

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Cover upsweep-whistle-bloop

Song Circus på Classical:NEXT

I mai gjestet Song Circus Classical:NEXT!, verdens viktigste bransjesamling for klassisk musikk. Det er første gang et norsk ensemble har vært blant de seks utvalgte showcasene. I løpet av tre dager møtte vi et tyvetalls intitusjoner, agenturer, produksjonsselskap, journalister og ensembler innen klassisk musikkbransje. En hektisk seminar- og møtekalender og showcase-suksess i DeDoelen ga oss mye å smile over!
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Classical:NEXT om Song Circus:

Norwegian ensemble Song Circus is comprised of five vocalists, and the music they make is thrilling, demanding, and light-years removed from traditional choral music. Thick vocal textures are interwoven with washes of digital sound. A singer’s whisper morphs into a full-throated roar, then yields to near-subliminal mouth percussion. Just as unique, Song Circus’ stage setup surrounds the audience, positioning them within the ensemble so they can act as co-conspirators in the performance.

Under Classical:NEXT presenterte vi også vår splitter nye musikkfilm «Anatomy of Sound»:

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Song Circus had an amazing and busy week during Rotterdam in May, attending seminars and meetings, establishing new collaborations, booking concerts and performing a successful showcase concert in deDoelen! Thank you for inviting us Classical:NEXT!

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